Test Answers

Test Answers

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _

There are 199 answer(s) beginning with the letter X.

Question: XAAT
Answer: All ships carrying flammable cargoes must have deck water spray to flush cargo spill overboard and cool cargo area if fire

Question: XAAV
Answer: Highest point of the steam and water drum

Question: XABR
Answer: The interface moves outwards

Question: XAKS
Answer: Not recommended at all

Question: XALN
Answer: H = – 0.178

Question: XAML
Answer: Low differential pressures

Question: XAMN
Answer: The alternators are not generating the same voltages and should be adjusted on automatic voltage regulator rheostats

Question: XAPL
Answer: The secondary controller in a cascade control system

Question: XAPT
Answer: Centre line is given by A on the figure

Question: XAQK
Answer: Grease was blocking the grease pipe

Question: XAQS
Answer: R(S) = 25 ohm

Question: XATX
Answer: To reduce the general risk of fire in an unmanned engine room.

Question: XAVI
Answer: 2m

Question: XBEW
Answer: 2

Question: XBFO
Answer: 2

Question: XBIB
Answer: Putting in auto order when on stand-by, to be effected every 10 – 15 minutes

Question: XBQI
Answer: + 5 ° C

Question: XBQJ
Answer: Register of Shipping and Seamen

Question: XBSC
Answer: a working channel of the nearest shore-station of that coast-station

Question: XBSD
Answer: lifebuoy with light and smoke

Question: XBSE
Answer: This concerns a mobile station

Question: XBTP
Answer: 1 VHF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver – 1 or 2 SART – 1 NAVTEX or 1 EGC receiver – 2 or 3 VHF portable – 1 EPIRB – 1 MF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver

Question: XBTW
Answer: All alternatives

Question: XCAI
Answer: If the hot work is to be carried out at the bottom of the tank, the entire bottom shall be thoroughly cleaned and all sediments removed.

Question: XCFI
Answer: F1B/J2B

Question: XCFJ
Answer: Reduce the rate of flow, and topping up one by one tank

Question: XCHD
Answer: a license

Question: XCNV
Answer: Radiotelephony – Frequency modulation

Question: XDAR
Answer: DSC has fully taken over watch-keeping on 2187,5 kHz

Question: XDGC
Answer: All mentioned.

Question: XDGE
Answer: Development of toxic gases?

Question: XDIN
Answer: Life buoy with line

Question: XDIW
Answer: To disconnect the power source

Question: XDPI
Answer: 8 %

Question: XDYT
Answer: Frequency in an Alternating Current (AC)

Question: XEAC
Answer: Discharge the slop tank completely first then refill it from a cargo tank from which a layer of 1metre has already been discharged.

Question: XECW
Answer: davit launched liferaft

Question: XEEG
Answer: this message is stored in the memory under TX4

Question: XEFB
Answer: In ICS Tanker safety guide

Question: XESU
Answer: The control valve for the cooling water cooler is sticking.

Question: XETN
Answer: Starting achieved within 2 min of commencing the start procedure at an ambient temperature of -15°C

Question: XEUD
Answer: Treat and reassure the casualty and stay with the person at all times.

Question: XFHP
Answer: When he is properly relieved.

Question: XFIN
Answer: CBTs cargo tanks are also used for ballast, SBTs are not.

Question: XFMY
Answer: every month

Question: XFOH
Answer: 9

Question: XFOI
Answer: no entry with naked light and/or flame

Question: XFQV
Answer: 35 kg

Question: XFRU
Answer: The floor of the raft has a second layer which can be inflated to help insulation, in addition to the thermal protective aids (10% of complement, minimum 2)

Question: XFUD
Answer: Mooring buoy is given by B on the figure

Question: XFYK
Answer: Every four months

Question: XGHL
Answer: MERSAR

Question: XGHQ
Answer: Overhaul the compressor unit.

Question: XGIJ
Answer: Scharnow Turn

Question: XHCJ
Answer: Reduce the sea water flow through the condenser.

Question: XHDE
Answer: Rocket line

Question: XHEB
Answer: From the system pipeline.

Question: XHGT
Answer: a AAIC

Question: XHJF
Answer: Lower than 23°C

Question: XHJG
Answer: Mooring buoy is given by B on the figure

Question: XHJI
Answer: Bridge is given by A on the figure

Question: XIAY
Answer: In the Captain’s office

Question: XIEB
Answer: This call will normally be followed by an acknowlegment call on DSC

Question: XIHN
Answer: Use large quantities of water as soon as possible

Question: XIPW
Answer: The ship’s management team must organise the fire teams and then the teams have to rescue missing personnel

Question: XIVI
Answer: Generator overload due to many motors starting at simultaneously

Question: XIWI
Answer: The rags may be caught by a revolving shaft.

Question: XIWJ
Answer: Capacitor

Question: XIYA
Answer: Figure 2.

Question: XJCC
Answer: listen on the radio-telephone distress frequency in the pertinent band

Question: XJEW
Answer: this message is the 6th message in the memory

Question: XJGJ
Answer: We are not allowed to load ammonia on inert gas

Question: XJIB
Answer: The percentage of the L.E.L. in the ambient air

Question: XJQK
Answer: Open and closed circuit apparatus

Question: XJVL
Answer: IMDG

Question: XJVM
Answer: Outside the ship itself

Question: XJVO
Answer: The recognized classification society, were the vessel is classified.

Question: XJXU
Answer: two hatchets

Question: XJYW
Answer: Request lower loading rate?

Question: XKNB
Answer: Warm clothes, blankets and lifevests.

Question: XKOO
Answer: Resistance temperature sensor

Question: XKPN
Answer: Clogged air inlet filter

Question: XKQI
Answer: A part of the Norwegian Maritime Directorate, on NIS ships mainly doing unscheduled inspections

Question: XKXS
Answer: Life buoy with line.

Question: XKYT
Answer: ASCII

Question: XLBJ
Answer: Making use of Risk Assessment as a means to improving safety

Question: XLDW
Answer: F1B

Question: XLIT
Answer: About 20%

Question: XLOO
Answer: Insufficient air supply

Question: XLSX
Answer: To persons in certificated positions as per the manning certificate and certificated positions of additional manning, if any

Question: XLYN
Answer: yes, provided that he has a Certificate of Equivalent Competency issued by MCA

Question: XMCY
Answer: Gauge pressure

Question: XMFE
Answer: Radar transponder

Question: XMHR
Answer: Correct water level is obtained by refilling the cooling system, and the entire system is checked for leakages

Question: XMIP
Answer: Nothing for the first 24 hours, then 1/2 litre or more, if possible, per day

Question: XMKJ
Answer: Products with users instructions telling you how and where to use them.

Question: XMKL
Answer: 9 GHz

Question: XMPH
Answer: use of communication equipment

Question: XMPL
Answer: The International Maritime Organization (IMO)

Question: XNAH
Answer: Only licensed officers

Question: XNBA
Answer: Height of liquid in the tank

Question: XNFD
Answer: Level control

Question: XNGY
Answer: Flag state

Question: XNIP
Answer: you must wait 3 minutes minimum before repeating your call

Question: XNMW
Answer: Not less than 10000 kJ

Question: XNPG
Answer: combustible, oxygen, heat and chain reaction

Question: XNRP
Answer: Be constructed of inherently buoyant material.

Question: XNWV
Answer: To avoid cold cargo to came in contact with the ship’s hull

Question: XNYM
Answer: Resistance sensors

Question: XOBX
Answer: seeing that passengers are suitably clad and have done their lifejackets correctly

Question: XOCQ
Answer: tlx..+

Question: XOFD
Answer: personal call

Question: XOJI
Answer: a solid (cardboard or wood…)

Question: XOKD
Answer: 13.0 mm?

Question: XOTD
Answer: the seasons

Question: XOVR
Answer: Liferafts shall be stowed with its painter permanently attached to the ship

Question: XOWT
Answer: the use of VHF R/T

Question: XOYF
Answer: He has disengaged the windlass and put the brake on

Question: XPDF
Answer: 10 bar.

Question: XPLR
Answer: lowering all lifeboats

Question: XPNC
Answer: One year.

Question: XPNH
Answer: Rescuing of life

Question: XPNI
Answer: Take separation of the two vessels into immediate consideration, but consider that a separation may create a larger oil spill

Question: XPOJ
Answer: On Scene Commander

Question: XPPV
Answer: All of the mentioned must be performed

Question: XPPY
Answer: Natural bends at intervals?

Question: XPRJ
Answer: compensate the movements of the vessel

Question: XPUU
Answer: one set of fishing tackle

Question: XPXH
Answer: Checking that life-jackets are correctly donned.

Question: XPYA
Answer: at least 24 distributed on both sides of the ship

Question: XQCL
Answer: CO2 plant.

Question: XQJH
Answer: Leave the engine room as quickly as possible, closing all doors behind you

Question: XQJW
Answer: The patient placed in a “face -to-the-floor” position, and with arms and legs arranged in order to stabilize this position.

Question: XQKQ
Answer: Sudden crushing, vice-like pain in the centre of the chest.

Question: XQKW
Answer: Call an hospital for professional medical assistance by radio when needed.

Question: XQMM
Answer: The heart.

Question: XQNF
Answer: Fixed CO2 fire-extinguisher system

Question: XQNI
Answer: handholds on the underside of the hull

Question: XQQM
Answer: one whistle or equivalent

Question: XRAV
Answer: A series of tests run by the computer at power on

Question: XRBP
Answer: Its readiness to perform as specified.

Question: XRGG
Answer: f o = 1 / (2 sqrt (L/C) )

Question: XRGN
Answer: Oil Record Book.

Question: XRKU
Answer: the use of VHF DSC

Question: XROP
Answer: Operate the engine room on manual mode until the cooling pump is in operation, switched in stand-by mode.

Question: XRRF
Answer: the DSC-watch receiver

Question: XRRH
Answer: J2B / F1B

Question: XRVK
Answer: Prevent contamination if leaks are developed

Question: XSBN
Answer: They are economical to operate

Question: XSCY
Answer: The release mechanism shall be of an automatic type approved by the Administr

Question: XSES
Answer: It is possible to predict the control mathematicallyIt is possible to predict the control mathematically

Question: XSGK
Answer: inversely proportional to the frequency

Question: XSIX
Answer: sky wave

Question: XSOW
Answer: Constant flow, clean probes and temperature below 60 Degr.C.

Question: XSPO
Answer: When the provisions and /or water is unfit for consumption

Question: XSPR
Answer: The ITU List of Coast Stations

Question: XSRF
Answer: Authorised radio surveyors employed by Marconi

Question: XSVL

Question: XTEQ
Answer: an area excluding sea area A1 within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one MF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available

Question: XTGI
Answer: No

Question: XTHE
Answer: The acidity (ph) of the cargo should be between 5 and 7 when diluted with 10 parts of water to one part of cargo.

Question: XTLK
Answer: Difficult to seal plates above this pressure.

Question: XTMX
Answer: Start water-spray

Question: XTTR
Answer: 4 m

Question: XTUM
Answer: All mentioned.

Question: XTVH
Answer: To keep constant surveillance of machinery and auxiliary systems.

Question: XUFH
Answer: Only cargoes included in one of the categories, A, B, C or D.

Question: XUOI
Answer: that need not meet any of the requirements relative to smoke and flame nor limitations relative to temperature rise

Question: XUON
Answer: Intermittent signals on the ship’s alarm bells

Question: XUOR
Answer: If it is decided that work shall be carried out, the decision and the reason for it shall be entered in the ship’s log book.

Question: XUWB
Answer: be taken by the crew to the rescue-boat and turned on manually

Question: XUXV
Answer: on the date of replacing the battery

Question: XUYL
Answer: All the other mentioned alternatives according to the situation

Question: XVAJ
Answer: A system that’s displaying the way to the nearest exit from all locations onboard, by using flurosent signs at floor level, or light system powered by battery.

Question: XVBW
Answer: All of these cargoes are incompatible.

Question: XVIM
Answer: Stand behind the casualty. Clench your fist with the tumb inwards in the center of upper abdomen. Grasp your fist with your other hand and pull quickly inwards.

Question: XVJN
Answer: When Under Keel Clearance is 50% or less

Question: XVMA
Answer: It will be much shorter

Question: XVMY
Answer: only be given receipt, if the master has confirmed that assistance indeed can be given

Question: XVPE
Answer: telephone country codes

Question: XVTJ
Answer: The hours of work Act and the NIS Act.

Question: XVXP
Answer: We find 5 annexes in MARPOL 73/78 and annex 1 is the regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil

Question: XWEN
Answer: Coordinated Crab

Question: XWMR
Answer: Visual and radar observations

Question: XWNM
Answer: Daily cleaning in cabins, messrooms, galley, etc.

Question: XWSI
Answer: Over time we got more experience with products and systems that give us reason to change rules and regulations

Question: XWWU
Answer: Inhibitor is used to prevent polymerisation of the cargo

Question: XXBP
Answer: Notify Ch.Eng., find cause of leakage, remedy the leakage and then immediately start cleaning of the tank top.

Question: XXBT
Answer: alkaline.

Question: XXCN
Answer: Go to your lifeboat station

Question: XXCO
Answer: On the navigation bridge

Question: XXYE
Answer: Electrically isolated by special isolating switchboxes in the accommodation and the keys of these retained by a responsible officer?

Question: XYFU
Answer: davit launched liferaft

Question: XYFY
Answer: The Norwegian Maritime Directorate

Question: XYGW
Answer: Manoeuvring levers/wheels for mechanially operated ports shall be properly secured when not in use.

Question: XYPU
Answer: 8 %

Question: XYPY
Answer: Remote level controller with indicator

Question: XYQS
Answer: In 440 V section: Two lamps bright. In 220 V section: Two lamps bright.

Question: XYXF
Answer: name of the ship in distress