Test Answers

Test Answers

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _

There are 210 answer(s) beginning with the letter V.

Question: VABS
Answer: All passenger ships, all cargo ships of 500GRT or above

Question: VAEE
Answer: The purpose of the priming unit on centrifugal pumps is to evacuate the suction line if air is present

Question: VAEJ
Answer: closing of watertight doors, fire doors, valves, scuppers, side scuttles, skylights and portholes

Question: VAFF
Answer: store & forward messages

Question: VAKD
Answer: The position ensures that an open airway is maintained.

Question: Vapour: 1. a wide variety | 2. health hazard | 3. control | 4. protection against | 5. particularly necessary
Answer: 1. a wide variety | 2. health hazard | 3. control | 4. protection against | 5. particularly necessary

Question: Various valves and fittings attached to the pres
Answer: "mountings"."

Question: Varnish is best removed from large wooden areas
Answer: A deck sander.

Question: VATG
Answer: No

Question: VATI
Answer: The person may be very pale, and pulse is slow at first and weak.

Question: VAVS
Answer: 0°C

Question: VBHL
Answer: Overhaul the compressor unit.

Question: VBNC
Answer: Lower the boom, raise the load.

Question: VBNE
Answer: Report to relevant authorities.

Question: VBOE
Answer: That the wires are just above the water line at all times

Question: VBRJ
Answer: 802 ohm at 20° C

Question: VBSE
Answer: They are going to weigh the anchor

Question: VBUV
Answer: All these actions are required.

Question: VCEY
Answer: A non-emulsifying agent with self splitting emulsifiers.

Question: VCIB
Answer: Line-throwing appliance

Question: VCJW
Answer: L2330

Question: VCNH
Answer: According to the nomograms You select a gravity disc with larger hole diameter.

Question: VCSD
Answer: 30 m

Question: VCTS
Answer: Passenger ships carrying more than 36 passengers

Question: VCTT
Answer: Weekly

Question: VCWK
Answer: 6 knots for 24 hours

Question: VDCJ
Answer: muster station

Question: VDDD
Answer: The tug was made fast at the centre lead astern

Question: VDEU
Answer: The wheels of hatchcover No. 7 came off their tracks

Question: VDFX
Answer: they should prepare survival crafts and in general render assistance where need

Question: VDHL
Answer: a rustproof dipper with lanyard

Question: VDNH
Answer: The company responsible for the operation of the ship

Question: VDPN

Question: VDQK
Answer: J3E

Question: VDVM
Answer: Where the fire breaks out, how many fire teams are available, the strength of the fire, the ships mobility, what is burning and communication

Question: VEDU
Answer: By putting the vessel mooring ropes as an oil boom around vessel and oil slick

Question: VEES
Answer: 2200 ohm

Question: VEGG
Answer: A combined scouring and polishing machine.

Question: VEIR
Answer: ALC 1c

Question: VEIW
Answer: a first-aid outfit

Question: VEKN
Answer: lowering of at least one lifeboat after any necessary preparation for launching

Question: VEMB
Answer: simplex

Question: VEON
Answer: In case of an emergency situation, the car deck can be difficulty to find the way around, and cars can shift position caused by ships movement.

Question: Verification of the Master's qualifications shou
Answer: confirmation of the validity

Question: Vertical beamwidth is determined by___
Answer: the design of the scanner

Question: Vessel Security: 1. responsibility | 2. brought inboard | 3. at all times | 4. must advise | 5. around the ship
Answer: 1. responsibility | 2. brought inboard | 3. at all times | 4. must advise | 5. around the ship

Question: Vessel Security: 1. Special arrangements | 2. should be scrutinised | 3. before sailing | 4. a problem | 5. gangway
Answer: 1. Special arrangements | 2. should be scrutinised | 3. before sailing | 4. a problem | 5. gangway

Question: Vessel Security: 1. when not in use | 2. by ship personnel | 3. limiting access | 4. alongside | 5. known to exist
Answer: 1. when not in use | 2. by ship personnel | 3. limiting access | 4. alongside | 5. known to exist

Question: Vessels as far as possible should avoid anchorin
Answer: in a traffic separation schem

Question: Vessels must avoid this area.
Answer: must avoid

Question: VEVE
Answer: Multistage centrifugal.

Question: VEYS
Answer: Yes, it will give the stern a lift force to starboard

Question: VFAI
Answer: 2500 mm wg?

Question: VFDY
Answer: RF-Gain

Question: VFFK
Answer: That people are well trained

Question: VFUM
Answer: A cascade controller.

Question: VFYT
Answer: Stern is given by C on the figure

Question: VGAF
Answer: be prevented from pressure exceeding twice the working pressure, either by relief valves or by limited gas supply

Question: VGAH
Answer: highest point of the steam and water drum

Question: VGBF
Answer: another channel is chosen

Question: VGCO
Answer: Survival craft portable radio

Question: VGMS
Answer: Lower the boom.

Question: VGMU
Answer: 0,04 %

Question: VGON
Answer: Annually.

Question: VGSS
Answer: Accounting Authority Identification Code

Question: VGTP
Answer: To neutralize the acids occurring in the condensate system.

Question: VGWV
Answer: 8

Question: VGYN
Answer: A document, which together with the national certificate is entitling the holder to serve in a position for which a certificate of competency is required

Question: VHF DSC channel 70 is switched on. seventy
Answer: seventy

Question: VHHU
Answer: Make a bold alteration to starboard and pass on his port side

Question: VHKD
Answer: Inhibition and smothering

Question: VHLB
Answer: Ensure adequate circulation in all conditions of steaming.

Question: VHNO
Answer: use a proper torch

Question: VHXP
Answer: 5 %

Question: VHXQ
Answer: A fixed sprinkler system at the cargo manifold

Question: VHYL
Answer: low-expansion foam

Question: Via which air passage is the nozzle back pressur
Answer: Air passage 12

Question: VIBR
Answer: In the fire control plans or booklet that must be stored in a watertight prominently marked container outside the deck house

Question: Vibration testing is an integral part of what ty
Answer: "Condition monitoring."

Question: VIDL
Answer: Boarding, launching and clearing of survival crafts (lifeboat/liferafts) and rescue boats

Question: VIGB
Answer: Secure the wire all way aft, to prevent wire moving out of center

Question: VIGS
Answer: For 3 minutes starting on the hour and half hour.

Question: VIGU
Answer: About same position as the center of gravity

Question: VIHN
Answer: For all vessels.

Question: VIHV
Answer: The stripping capacity has to be 25% more than supplied liquid.

Question: VIMQ
Answer: by muster lists exhibited in conspicuous places

Question: VIRV
Answer: length = 480 mm, breadth = 115 mm, depth = 25 mm

Question: Visibility is reduced by fog.
Answer: by

Question: VISK
Answer: He is to check the heater for the hydraulic oil

Question: VIWM
Answer: When a particular work activity may cause ill health, when an identified disease or adverse health condition is related to the work recognised testing methods are available for early detection of an occupational disease

Question: VJBP
Answer: Correct flow, pressure and temperature (viscosity).

Question: VJDM
Answer: 1,5 l

Question: VJHL
Answer: 8

Question: VJJH
Answer: liferaft

Question: VJLP
Answer: Muster and embarkation stations shall be readily accessible from accommodation and work areas

Question: VJLS
Answer: Yes

Question: VJYC
Answer: Reduce the RPM to reduce the scavenge air temperature. When the temperature is reduced and in case the fire is not extinguished by itself, insert carefully CO2

Question: VKNG
Answer: 6

Question: VKRK
Answer: To observe traffic movement in the English Channel, give advice on traffic move-ments and alert vessels which are making improper use of traffic separ. scheme

Question: VKSG
Answer: Air draught is given by C on the figure

Question: VKUS
Answer: A remedy to which the mooring lines are made fast

Question: VKXI
Answer: 5% by volume.

Question: VLBK
Answer: a mock search and rescue of passengers trapped in their staterooms

Question: VLER
Answer: Construction of all internal divisional bulkheading of “B” or “C” class divisions, without the installation of an automatic sprinkler extinguishing system

Question: VLOB
Answer: All of the mentioned

Question: VLOY
Answer: By entering the alarm instruction with your cabin number

Question: VLPT
Answer: By double blank flanges with a drain between them?

Question: VLPX
Answer: climb up and down a vertical ladder of at least 5m in length

Question: VLTY
Answer: That people are well trained.

Question: VMGH
Answer: Where the mooring lines lead.

Question: VMJP
Answer: Sprinkler horn

Question: VMKT
Answer: Blue

Question: VMLM
Answer: Either of the mentioned elements

Question: VMRC
Answer: All SOLAS, MARPOL and Loadline convention Certificates

Question: VMSE
Answer: independent of the destination

Question: VMYA
Answer: To gas free a cargo tank means that we remove flammable-, neutral- or toxic atmosphere from the cargo tank

Question: VMYX
Answer: The three most common energy forms are mechanical energy, chemical energy and electrical energy

Question: VNAJ
Answer: 60 %

Question: VNDU
Answer: A bearing is damaged.

Question: VNEP
Answer: Stop

Question: VNFF
Answer: To evacuate air and water out of the system in order to prevent problem during operation.

Question: VNFK
Answer: The piston clearance is too large. Worn piston or cylinder liners.

Question: VNIW
Answer: the use of MF and/or VHF R/T

Question: VNJR
Answer: To prevent serious damages on the plates.

Question: VNJT
Answer: As in example 2

Question: VNMW
Answer: immersion suit

Question: VNNX
Answer: distress

Question: VNOO
Answer: Immersion suit

Question: VNRE
Answer: 24 houres

Question: VNWE
Answer: All of the mentioned equipment.

Question: VOFH
Answer: is equipped with a pocket for a portable VHF

Question: Volatile petroleum oil has a flash point___
Answer: "below 60 ?C

Question: Voltage form number 2 represents the output from
Answer: To fire the TRIAC.

Question: Voltage multiplied by current equals what?
Answer: Power.

Question: VOMW
Answer: the length of the ship

Question: VORQ
Answer: They are not normally used for pumping oil

Question: VPHR
Answer: A deck officer or certificated person shall be placed in charge of each survival craft to be used

Question: VPHS
Answer: Power-driven vessel making way on port bow

Question: VPLV
Answer: Every UK ship except fishing vessels and pleasure vessels

Question: VPMV
Answer: Search for missing persons. Continue to monitor situation and prepare for abandonment in case it become necessary.

Question: VPRU
Answer: You inform the NCS that the SES is available for comunications.

Question: VPSJ
Answer: Wait three minutes and if no acknowledgement is heard from a coast station you should relay the alert.

Question: VPSL
Answer: Stainless steel?

Question: VPTN
Answer: Cold drinks and salt.

Question: VPUB
Answer: On Scene Commander

Question: VPUH
Answer: Start water-spray

Question: VPVW
Answer: all entrances fitted with rigid boarding ramps for boarding the liferaft at sea

Question: VPWQ
Answer: Master, Chief Engineer & Chief Officer.

Question: VPWS
Answer: unit which automatically releases the liferaft/lifeboat at a depth of approx 4 metre

Question: VPXS
Answer: A cut of veal topside.

Question: VQGV
Answer: Use water extinguisher to put out the fire.

Question: VQHP
Answer: Cut it with the safety knife stowed on the exterior of the canopy close to the painter attachment point

Question: VQKC
Answer: The ITU List of Ship Stations

Question: VQLA
Answer: 1min

Question: VQNJ
Answer: Dose with coagulent and blow down the boiler.

Question: VQQB
Answer: must be replaced before the expiry date is exceeded

Question: VQRP
Answer: Put the rudder hard to port to reduce the water flow to the right side of the propeller

Question: VQTJ
Answer: 9 GHz

Question: VQVT
Answer: MAYDAY

Question: VRFB
Answer: Seeing that the passengers are suitable clad.

Question: VRFY
Answer: According to the nomograms You select a gravity disc with larger hole diameter.

Question: VRGS
Answer: Aft of the forecastle secured with the use of a hydrostatic release device

Question: VRGW
Answer: Whenever the gangway is rigged.

Question: VRJS
Answer: Fire extinguishers equipped for powder or CO2 only.

Question: VRKW
Answer: The turbine rotor is not balanced

Question: VRKX
Answer: A decrease in strength of 20 %

Question: VROD
Answer: J3E

Question: VSGQ
Answer: Water contamination.

Question: VSGR
Answer: Exhaust valve

Question: VSJW
Answer: To wash all lines and pumps properly.

Question: VSMF
Answer: It reduces the visibility, provokes panic, is irritating and may be toxic

Question: VSMN
Answer: safety

Question: VSQN
Answer: International Maritime Satellite Organisation

Question: VSWN
Answer: Channel 70 DSC.

Question: VTAM
Answer: All fully bolted except those actually in use.

Question: VTAU
Answer: Solution of potassium hydroxide (KOH) and water

Question: VTBP
Answer: Only during day time when visibility, traffic etc make it safe

Question: VTCO
Answer: Generation of carbonic acid causes the water quality to drift towards sour and lower the pH – number.

Question: VTIY
Answer: immersion suit

Question: VTLR
Answer: All the mentioned alternatives

Question: VTML
Answer: The use of all survival equipment

Question: VTOD
Answer: Transfer it to the sloptank, and later discharge it to a reception facility

Question: VUCY
Answer: VHF channel 16

Question: VUET
Answer: fixed sign on the mast plus signs on each radar when work is in progress in mast

Question: VUFP
Answer: One month

Question: VUUN
Answer: Pressure-reducing regulator.

Question: VUUP
Answer: Pos. 8

Question: VVCC
Answer: not less than half the total number of lifebuoys shall be provided with self-ignition lights.

Question: VVDU
Answer: the tanks should be fitted with audible and visible high and high-high level alarms

Question: VVKQ
Answer: Every month

Question: VVOQ
Answer: By smothering and also providing some cooling

Question: VVPP
Answer: Maintain course and speed with caution as he is the give way vessel

Question: VVQI
Answer: Make the pipes capable to move back and forth inside the coupling.

Question: VVRA
Answer: Pressure surge and liquid pressure.

Question: VWJK
Answer: The atmosphere in the tank where hot work is to be carried out, and adjacent tanks shall be checked immediately prior to commencement of hot work.

Question: VWQC
Answer: Gas carriers and chemical carriers

Question: VWWX
Answer: 25 watt

Question: VXCB
Answer: If the face mask has a leak toxic fumes/smoke would still not enter the mask.

Question: VXFE
Answer: He is worried that oil will run through the outlets and into the sea

Question: VXJJ
Answer: The secondary controller

Question: VXPE
Answer: Yes, in regulations on medical examination of employees on ships.

Question: VXQD
Answer: All the mentioned alternatives

Question: VXXW
Answer: A dedicated set of pages in the Official Log Book for entering details of draughts, freeboards and allowances when departing from any port or place

Question: VYBS
Answer: Sound the General Alarm – carry out emergency actions.

Question: VYEN
Answer: four rocket parachute flares

Question: VYFW
Answer: Beef

Question: VYGV
Answer: Weekly

Question: VYJD
Answer: An efficient and reliable service

Question: VYLW
Answer: ship’s radio log

Question: VYXN
Answer: Dispersant