GMDSS. FCC Test 55

GMDSS. FCC Test 55

Which of the following statements concerning SITOR communications is true?
What is the procedure used to terminate the radio circuit?
Which of the following is true of SITOR ARQ mode?
Which characters are sent by the ship station to indicate a desire to send a message via a direct connection to a shoreside telex subscriber?
What are the characters that are transmitted to terminate a direct telex connection in SITOR operation?
Which characters are sent by the ship station when operating HF telex, to indicate a desire to send an AMVER message?
Which of the following keystrokes or characters is sent as part of ARQ communications to switch information transmission control from one station to the other?
Of the following, which is true of SITOR ARQ mode direct printing radioteletype transmission?
What statement is true regarding the exchange between two parties engaged in SITOR communications?
Which of the following keystrokes or characters follows most commands in ARQ communications when working an automated Coast Station?
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