Trim, Stability, Stress. Test 4

Trim, Stability, Stress. Test 4

The diagram shows loadline marks. How is the distance between S and T calculated?
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What is the minimum allowable value for GZ?
What are 'Hydrostatic Curves' used for in ship calculations?
What is the 'Centre of Pressure?'
What does 'Permeability' mean?
What is a 'Prismatic co-efficient?'
What is the BM for a box-shaped vessel in terms of breadth and draught?
What are 'Cross Curves of Stability' used for onboard a ship?
How would you increase the KG of a ship, loaded with a timber deck cargo, that has become 'unstable?'
What effect does 'Freeboard' have on a vessel's dynamical stability?
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