Ship Manoeuvring, Handling. Test 14

Ship Manoeuvring, Handling. Test 14

Consider the situation sketched below. What can happen if the tugmaster is not careful?
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Cross Atlantic towing.Which of these systems would you use?
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The vessel has anchored. You are to secure the anchor. How do you do it?
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The vessel has weigh the anchor and is heading for sea. The anchor to be stowed in position. How?
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You are the master onboard at VLCC of 280.000 tdw, and have received a telex from the Cargo Terminal asking if your SPM-moorings are according to the OCIMF standard. What fittings must you have to comply?
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You are towing a vessel. The total length of the tow is 190 meters. What daylight signals are to be used?
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You are sailing in shallow water, with 15% Under Keel Clearance. With full RPM, what will your speed be compared to deep water?
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Vessel will leave anchorage. You will heave up the anchor. How and to whom will you report the status of the anchor?
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You will anchor a VLCC at a depth of 80 meters in open water with swell. How much chain will you use?
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A vessel towing with a total length of 1350 meters, expecting strong wind from starboard side. The towing wire is connected 20 meters from towing vessels stern rail. What is to be done?
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