Ship Manoeuvring, Handling. Test 10

Ship Manoeuvring, Handling. Test 10

In an extreme case, in addition to having your winch brakes as tight as can be, you can increase the brake holding capacity of the winch drum by putting it in gear and setting the power to the 'heave' position. However this may cause:
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You are meeting with another ship in confined waters. What can happen as the ships approach each other?
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Two synthetic fibre lines of the same size and material are run out and pretensioned at the berth. However one line (line A) is secured to a shore bollard twice as far as the other line (line B). If a sudden increase in wind now causes an extra load to come on the lines, the extra load will be shared by the lines as follows:
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Once a ship (equipped with self-stowing autotension winches) is moored alongside a loading or discharging berth, it is recommended that:
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If you are called upon to reeve a new wire onto a selfstowing winch drum you would, after looking at brake arrangement, reeve it to pay out as follows:
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Your vessel is berthed at a seaberth with an underkeel clearance of 5 times the draft and a cross or beam current of 1 knot is acting on you with force of, let us say, 50 tons. You move to another shallower berth with your draft exactly the same as before and with exactly the same beam current of 1 knot acting on you. However your underkeel clearance here is only 0.5 times the draft. If the current was exerting a force of 50 tons on you before, how much force will it exert now?
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Two lines sent out and pretensioned equally have the same length, same breaking strength and same directional load. However, one is made of wire (which has a full load elastic elongation of about 1,5 % of its length) and the other made of nylon (which has a full load elongation of about 30 % of its length). If a sudden gust of wind increase the load on the lines, this increased load will be shared as follows:
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When fastening synthetic fibre ropes such as polypropylene on bitts, for safety and better rope control it is recommended to:
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When synthetic ropetails are used at the ends of wire ropes, due expected faster deterioration of the synthetic ropetails, it is recommended that when ordering ropetails, their initial breaking strength specified should be:
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You are on ship A. What would you do before meeting ship B?
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