GMDSS. FCC Test 47

GMDSS. FCC Test 47

A vessel is experiencing problems tracking the satellite in an Inmarsat-C SES. The problem could be:
Which statement is correct regarding a method that a vessel experiencing problems with shadowing of the Inmarsat-A SES antenna by an on-board obstruction could use to attempt reliable communications?
A vessel loses Inmarsat-A SES operation after a large course change. Which of the following could cause this?
MF/HF Transceiver Power levels should be set:
Which functions may the holder of a GMDSS Radio Operator License NOT perform on the Inmarsat-C equipment?
What maintenance function may the holder of a GMDSS Radio Operator license perform, or supervise the performance of, on an Inmarsat-C SES?
What immediate remedy can be used to correct shadowing of the satellite signal by a shipboard obstruction?
Which functions may the holder of a GMDSS Radio Operator License perform on the Inmarsat-C equipment?
Which of the following conditions can render Inmarsat-A communications impossible?
Which modes could be selected to receive vessel traffic lists from high seas shore stations:
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