GMDSS. FCC Test 43

GMDSS. FCC Test 43

From an Inmarsat-C terminal which of the following is a correctly formatted address for sending telex messages to a vessel in AOR-W?
What must be entered, after the Shore I.D. and '#' sign is entered and a ring-back tone is heard, to obtain the intervention of the telephone operator in the Inmarsat-A service?
Which of the following is a correctly formatted Inmarsat-C address book entry for sending telex communications to a vessel in the IOR?
Which of the following is a correctly formatted Inmarsat-C address book entry for sending telex communications to a vessel in the AOR-E?
What dial sequence is used, after entering the shore ID, to place a call that will be billed to a credit card?
How would a Radio Operator of a vessel off the California Coast request Operator Assistance from the shore station via telex?
What is the Inmarsat-A Service Code for automatic service?
Which of the following is a correctly formatted Inmarsat-C address book entry for sending telex communications to a vessel in the POR?
What is the Inmarsat-A service code for the international telephone information operator?
What dial sequence is used, after entering the shore ID, to obtain the intervention of the telephone operator in the Inmarsat-A service?
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