GMDSS. FCC Test 36

GMDSS. FCC Test 36

Which satellite would be chosen when operating in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico?
On an Inmarsat-C system soon after power up what might a blinking lamp indicate?
With most Inmarsat-C systems what should the indicator lamps do when powering up?
Which longitude corresponds to the AOR-E satellite for Inmarsat communications?
Which longitude corresponds to the AOR-W satellite for Inmarsat communications?
On an Inmarsat-C system an alarm sounds:
Which longitude corresponds to the IOR's satellite location for Inmarsat communications?
Which longitude corresponds to the POR's satellite location for Inmarsat communications?
Upon power-up, what controls are adjusted on an Inmarsat-C terminal?
Which satellite(s) would most likely be selected for use when the vessel is operating off the eastern shore of the United States?
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