GMDSS. FCC Test 35

GMDSS. FCC Test 35

Which NAVAREA is associated with the western North Atlantic and the Caribbean Sea?
Which of the following actions should be taken once the vessel is berthed and will not leave port again for several weeks?
A vessel on a voyage between Miami and Los Angeles via the Panama Canal would be operating in which NAVAREA(s)?
NAVAREAs referred to in NAVTEX are the same as used in:
What action should be taken on arrival at every port?
A vessel operating in the Eastern Pacific or along the West coast of North and Central America from Alaska to Ecuador, including Panama and Hawaii, would be operating in which NAVAREA?
A vessel operating in the Western Atlantic or along the East coast of North America and Central America from Canada to Venezuela, including the Caribbean and Panama, would be located in which NAVAREA?
How many frequencies are assigned specifically for H.F. MSI broadcasts?
Which NAVAREA is associated with the Pacific Ocean north of the equator and east of the International Date Line?
Which frequency/mode is authorized for use internationally for Marine Safety Information transmissions?
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