Duties. Test 11

Duties. Test 11

The tray's on a washing machine where the washing powder is added are cleaned how often?
Biological detergents should never be used to wash what type of clothes?
Certain dishes are traditionally served with accompaniments such as sauces; which sauce from the list below would you serve with Roast Pork?
You are serving fresh fruit as part of a meal, what cutlery would you place ready on the table?
Certain dishes are traditionally served with accompaniments such as sauces, which sauce from the list below would you serve with Deep Fried Fish english style in batter?
Certain dishes are traditionally served with accompaniments such as sauces; which sauce from the list below would you serfve with Roast Chicken?
Which of the following list is not a salad?
What is the ideal temperature for a normal domestic fridge?
Certain dishes are traditionally served with accompaniments such as sauces; which sauce from the list below would you serve with Roast Turkey?
The reason we never put sharp knives in washing up water is ?
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