Ship Manoeuvring, Handling. Test 3

Ship Manoeuvring, Handling. Test 3

If you are called upon to reeve a new wire onto a selfstowing winch drum you would, after looking at brake arrangement, reeve it to pay out as follows:
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It is important that the brake holding capacity of a self stowing winch drum should not exceed the breaking strength of the wire or rope wound onto it. A certain percentage of extra strength is therefore recommended for the wire or rope over the brake holding capacity of the winch. So, for a winch of brake holding capacity of 60 Tons you would order a wire of breaking strength:
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The rudder is hard over, full ahead in deep water. How much lift force remains when the engine is stopped?
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Your ship's initial speed is half ahead and your engine is put full astern. How will the stopping distance be compared to full speed?
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Your ship is equipped with a right-handed propeller. As you go full astern from full ahead, the ship is sheering to starboard. Is there anything you can do to reduce the change in heading?
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You are drifting in open sea with a loaded VLCC, and you observe that the drift is SSE. Will the drift direction be the same for ballast condition?
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During a stay in port, a towing wire is to be put out forward and aft. What is important to take care of regarding this wire?
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Which sailing vessel (A or B) should keep out of the way of the other?
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Your diagram shows that you will need 2000m to stop your ship from full ahead in deep water. What will the stopping distance be in shallow water?
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In a narrow canal, a ship proceeding at half speed ahead swings towards the port bank of the channel. As the bow approaches the bank, it would initially _____
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