Ship Manoeuvring, Handling. Test 19

Ship Manoeuvring, Handling. Test 19

In ship handling terms, which of these overtaking situations is the most dangerous?
In relation to squat effect, which of the following statements is incorrect?
What shape of hull does a course stable ship usually have?
What would you say about a ship which is course unstable?
A tug is connected by a line at your bow. Will the bollard pull be the same at any speed? Choose the most complete answer.
The rudder is hard over, engine full ahead in deep water. How much rudder lift force remains when the engine is stopped?
The rudder is hard over, engine full ahead in shallow water. How much rudder lift force remains when the engine is stopped?
The rudder is in the hard over position, propeller stopped. The ship is turning slowly. What can be done to make her turn faster without increasing forward speed?
How should you minimize squat effect?
Your ship is making sternway of about 1.5 knots, with rudder hard to starboard. Will this rudder position have any effect on the ship's behaviour? Choose the most complete answer.
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