Maintenance, Repair. Test 34

Maintenance, Repair. Test 34

Identify the powered hand tool in No. 1 ?
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Given a set of odd-leg calipers and a small cork, what use is the cork?
Identify the powered hand tool No. 2 ?
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Thick plates require a multi-run weld. Which type of runs are used?
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The drawing of an engine mechanism component gives some surfaces as angles. How would these angles be marked out?
What may be done to improve the finished appearance of a self-secured joint?
What presents the greatest danger when sharpening a chisel on a grinding machine?
When tempering use is made of the microscopic oxide film formed on the surface, in what sequence does change occur?
Which is the preferred table to be checked to ensure a sound weld is produced during an arc welding process?
Sketch shows a gas cutting blowpipe. What is control No. 1 used for?
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